A Winter Care Guide For Kids by Farhat Daud


1.  Warm Apparel To Wear

The arrival of winter does not imply that children must remain at home. Make sure they’re dressed warmly and that they’re wind and water-proof when they go to play or school. When they go out, they should wear woollen clothing.

Woolen clothing’s insulation properties help to keep it dryer and warmer. If the temperature at home is too low, the elderly can wear a thermocot. It has the potential to keep their bodies warm. They can always keep gloves, scarves, and monkey caps on hand to protect their face, hands, ears, and neck.

2. Keep Them Hydrated

The kids may not sweat as much in the winter as they do in the summer. Due to a lack of sweating, they may not drink enough fluids, resulting in dehydration. To avoid this, make the wise choice of keeping them hydrated by including low-sugar, high-vitamin C juices.

Studies have shown that this can reduce the severity and duration of winter colds. Decaffeinated tea and hot cocoa are also good choices because they are high in antioxidants, which help to strengthen the immune system while also providing a soothing hot beverage.

If you find it difficult to apply sunscreen every day, try using a moisturiser with SPF. Combining two steps into one simplifies your morning routine and helps you remember to protect your skin.

3.  Keep An Eye On Their Nutrition

During the winter, eating a balanced diet is critical to avoiding the flu and cold. Make sure to feed both the elderly and children a well-balanced diet rich in vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. Dry fruits, sliced raw vegetables, whole-wheat crackers, and yoghurt are some of the best foods to include in a balanced diet to boost their immune system.

4.  Use Cold Creams

Cold temperatures can have a variety of effects on the skin. It can cause a variety of skin problems, including dryness, itchiness, rashes, psoriasis, flaking, and inflammation. Herbal cold creams with no chemical ingredients are a good option for common problems like dryness. For more severe and persistent problems, such as psoriasis, you should consult a dermatologist.

Related- Why is Skin Care So Important?

4. Keep Exposure To Cold At A Minimum

We know children have to go to school and senior people like to go out for walks. With proper precautions, all these things can be done. But just in case, when the temperature gets freezing, staying indoors is advisable unless there is a need to venture out.

Follow these simple tips to ensure that children and the elderly are always safe and warm during the winter. Consult Dr. Farhat Daud and book an appointment for regular check-ups during the winter!

Comments ( 1 )

  • Very informative at my age I realised the importance of skin care especially in winter months

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Farhat Daud

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